Torre di Toblin – Ladder Via Ferrata (2617m)

An overwhelming landscape. A battlefield in World War I

General information: Short, but very steep and exposed climb, mostly over ladders. The entrances to the ladders are partly almost overhanging. This via ferrata is short and therefore ideal for exploring the world of difficult via ferrata. Mountain experience, arm strength and absolute absence of vertigo are required.

Ascent: From the Rifugio Auronzo (2,326m) via the gravel path to the Paternsattel and on to the Drei Zinnen Hütte (2,405m). Behind the Drei Zinnen Hütte the red marked ascent to the Toblinger Knoten begins. 

Characteristics: Short but extremely steep and exposed via ferrata, completely secured with steel ropes and ladders. Extremely interesting and challenging climbing, leading through the north face of the Toblinger Konten in spectacular surroundings.

Descent: From the summit via the north-east flank (Feldkurat Hops-Steig, marked with red triangles). Some unsecured, exposed passages, partly easy climbing, partly exposed climb. For the most part, the descent is secured with steel ropes.

Highlight: very beautiful landscape with a breathtaking view of the Drei Zinnen


Starting point: Car park rifugio Auronzo

Total time: 4:30h | ascent time: 1:45 | via ferrata time: 0:45 | descent time: 2:00

Vertical ascent: 550m

Route: 50% steel rope, 50% ladders

Difficulty: medium

Landscape: *****

Source: Klettersteige Südtirol - Dolomiten - Gardasee: Die schönsten Routen für Einsteiger und Könner, Christjan Ladurner

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